OpenRiver - Research & Creative Achievement Day: Preventing Illness Though Nutrition


This is a series of Tik Tok videos that were made to educate people on how to prevent certain illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, through nutrition. The series had different types of videos such as recipes and different grocery store items that aid in preventing illnesses while also teaching the benefits of heart healthy nutrients. Each video was sent to a registered dietitian to get further helpful information and approval of content.


College of Nursing & Health Sciences





First Advisor/Mentor

Susan Zeller

Second Advisor/Mentor

Brit Voshage


Oak Rooms E/F - Kryzsko Commons

Start Date

4-18-2024 1:40 PM

End Date

4-18-2024 2:00 PM

Presentation Type

Oral Presentation

Format of Presentation or Performance


Included in

Nursing Commons


Apr 18th, 1:40 PM Apr 18th, 2:00 PM

Preventing Illness Though Nutrition

Oak Rooms E/F - Kryzsko Commons

This is a series of Tik Tok videos that were made to educate people on how to prevent certain illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, through nutrition. The series had different types of videos such as recipes and different grocery store items that aid in preventing illnesses while also teaching the benefits of heart healthy nutrients. Each video was sent to a registered dietitian to get further helpful information and approval of content.


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