Identifying and Characterizing Duck Parasites Using PCR and Bioinformatics Tools: Parasitology Class Project


The identification and characterization of duck (Family: Anatidae) parasites is crucial for developing effective strategies to manage and prevent their transmission. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), sequencing and analysis of DNA extracted from duck parasites has become an essential tool for diagnosing and understanding the diversity of these parasites. This research used the results of PCR amplification and sequencing of DNA extracted from duck parasites to identify the organisms using bioinformatics tools. The results showed the successful identification and characterization of several duck parasites. Confirmation of the parasite identifications were completed by morphologic analysis by another group. Overall, this study provided a foundation for further investigation into the genetic diversity of duck parasites and their impact on the health of ducks.


College of Science & Engineering





First Advisor/Mentor

Kimberly Bates

Start Date

4-19-2023 1:00 PM

End Date

4-19-2023 2:00 PM

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Format of Presentation or Performance




Poster Number



Apr 19th, 1:00 PM Apr 19th, 2:00 PM

Identifying and Characterizing Duck Parasites Using PCR and Bioinformatics Tools: Parasitology Class Project

The identification and characterization of duck (Family: Anatidae) parasites is crucial for developing effective strategies to manage and prevent their transmission. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), sequencing and analysis of DNA extracted from duck parasites has become an essential tool for diagnosing and understanding the diversity of these parasites. This research used the results of PCR amplification and sequencing of DNA extracted from duck parasites to identify the organisms using bioinformatics tools. The results showed the successful identification and characterization of several duck parasites. Confirmation of the parasite identifications were completed by morphologic analysis by another group. Overall, this study provided a foundation for further investigation into the genetic diversity of duck parasites and their impact on the health of ducks.