Method Development for Purification and Analysis of the PETase Enzyme


Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the most common form of plastic used in the world today, but only accounts for 29% of plastics recycled. It can be used to make many different products, including soda bottles and polyester fabrics. In 2020 a research team based in Japan analyzed a bacteria known as Ideonella sakaiensis which was found to secrete the enzyme PETase. The PETase enzyme reaction converts PET grade plastic polymers to products that could then be degraded back to the plastic's structural monomers. This degradation pathway may lead to a functional solution to the massive amount of plastic waste built up around the world.


College of Science & Engineering





First Advisor/Mentor

Emily Ruff

Start Date

4-19-2023 9:00 AM

End Date

4-19-2023 10:00 AM

Presentation Type

Poster Session

Format of Presentation or Performance




Poster Number



Apr 19th, 9:00 AM Apr 19th, 10:00 AM

Method Development for Purification and Analysis of the PETase Enzyme

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) is the most common form of plastic used in the world today, but only accounts for 29% of plastics recycled. It can be used to make many different products, including soda bottles and polyester fabrics. In 2020 a research team based in Japan analyzed a bacteria known as Ideonella sakaiensis which was found to secrete the enzyme PETase. The PETase enzyme reaction converts PET grade plastic polymers to products that could then be degraded back to the plastic's structural monomers. This degradation pathway may lead to a functional solution to the massive amount of plastic waste built up around the world.