Document Type



Spring 2002

Course Description

To review elementary statistical concepts and procedures and their applications in the construction and interpretation of psychological tests and meaning of scores on psychological tests and to be able to read and understand research articles in testing and other areas. 2. To become familiar with the main concepts in the area of measurement (e.g., scaling, reliability, and validity), methods of determining them, and the implications of measurement theory for research and program evaluation. 3. To become familiar with experimental and quasi-experimental design and their applications to research design and program evaluation. Research design models will include both quantitative and qualitative approaches. 4. To identity the nature and characteristics of psychological testing, including construction, proper usage and limitations. 5. To become familiar with widely used psychological tests in the areas of personality, intelligence/abilities, and interests, and controversial issues in the use of psychological tests. 6. Gain some experience in the interpretation of psychological tests. However, this course does not prepare the student to administer and/or interpret psychological tests to other persons. That would require additional course work and supervised clinical experiences. 7. To become familiar with the ethical issues involved in research and evaluation, as well as ethical issues involved in the use of psychological tests.

Course Number

CE 620


Counselor Education-Graduate Studies


Nicholas Ruiz

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