Document Type



Fall 2016

Course Description

To enhance the counseling skills and conceptualization processes acquired through direct counseling experience, supervision and classroom interaction. The course is designed to prepare counselors for development as independent professional counselors. The evidence provided through the quality of the course requirements, demonstration of maturity, personal insight and professional presentation as appropriate to the counseling profession, will determine the course grade. The Counselor Education Program requires students to complete a supervised counseling internship of 600 hours. 240 of those clock hours must be direct service work with appropriate clients/students. The remaining 360 hours provide opportunities to gain experience in the activities that a regularly employed staff member in a counseling setting would be expected to perform. The primary intention of the counseling internship experience is to provide growing exposure and orientation to a relevant professional setting. The responsibility of supervision is shared between the university and the internship site supervisor. The expectation of on-site internship supervisors is to provide ongoing guidance and orientation to graduated relevant site experiences.

Course Number

CE 690


Counselor Education-Graduate Studies


Masa Sato

Rights Management

All rights reserved. Winona State University Counselor Education-Graduate Studies Department.



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