

Winona Area Public Schools, specifically Winona Senior High School, is in need of a systematic change in the use of technology and the implementation of professional development regarding technology integration. This project aims to research, survey, and create a plan moving forward to better assist the school in creating a vibrant, organic way of professional development and technology usage in the classroom. Information was gathered through an anonymous survey from staff in the high school to gain insight and assess current usage, comfortability, and needs. The research showed a strong usage of technology in the classroom and a willingness to use new technology and applications. However, more importantly, it showed the impact lesson planning has on these as well. The research has lasting implications for the school and is a framework for better-assisting staff in professional development and lesson planning regarding new technology and applications. In the end, these will further grow our knowledge and prepare the students at Winona Senior High School for careers outside of the buildings.

Date Capstone Completed


Document Type

Capstone Project

Degree Name

Masters of Science in Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership


Aurora Osgood



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