"What sculpture in these hard clouds; what expression of immense amplitude of this dotted and rippled rack, here firm and continental, there vanishing into plumes and auroral gleams. No crowding; boundless, cheerful, and strong."

– Ralph Waldo Emerson, journal, May 25, 1843

The sky, like water and food, is both a universal experience and also very particular: we all share the sky, but we all have our own particular piece of it. For the 2010-11 Theme, WSU looked at the sky from a variety of perspectives, to raise our awareness of its significance. We started the year with an airplane on campus as part of our Fall Sky Fair. Highlights of the year included an "Adopt-A-Cloud" program and a campus visit by Brother Guy J. Consolmagno, S.J., a planetary astronomer from the Vatican Observatory. The Big Sky blog on Winona360 tracked our progress through the year.

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