
The reason for this qualitative study was to understand principal’s perspective of their teacher evaluation tool effectiveness during the 2020-2021 school year. Schools in this study were all from the same upper Midwestern state. The districts these schools were in had learning models range from full in person to full distance learning for most of the 2020-2021 school year. The participants were asked through surveys and an interview how they felt their evaluation tool was able to measure teacher performance in the areas of class atmosphere, classroom management, content delivery, and student engagement. Results indicate the evaluation tool was able to preform just as well as during previous school years. Principals felt the challenge was the teacher’s ability to adapt to the new learning models. The study was strictly qualitative, focusing only on principal perception, further research is needed to measure the effectiveness of these evaluations. Quantitative research is needed to understand if student success is being achieved because of these teacher evaluation tools.

Date Capstone Completed


Document Type


Degree Name

Masters of Science in Educational Leadership




Theresa Waterbury





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